Kamis, 13 Juli 2017

JKT48 Okta get bullied after racist words to black people

JKT48 Team KIII member Ayu Safira Oktaviani (Okta) gets too much deserves bullied by fans and non-fans. 

During theater show on Wed, July 12, one of the MC titled “If you can throw your friends, where you would put them?” 

Okta says, “I’d put Chikarina to Papua which the place of black, you know what I mean. When Chikarina goes there and speaking Japanese, there are some black people speaking Papua language besides her.” she laughing after that. 

No clarification from both Okta and JKT48 management. On the social media, the group has been embarrassed by herself. No one respect to them anymore, it’s clearly disgusting and unacceptable. 

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